Last updated: Oct 17, 2017

Glycaemic Index (GI) & NutriKane D

The rates of people with high blood sugar levels is rapidly rising, with a suspected 2.9 million Australians being personally affected. One of the reasons that NutriKane D works in so many cases is that it lowers the GI of foods when you take it with a meal. This characteristic is highly beneficial as it helps people manage their blood sugar levels.

The glycaemic index (or GI) is a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent they raise blood sugar levels after eating (compared to pure glucose). Meals with high GI are foods that are digested, absorbed and metabolise at a faster pace, resulting in blood glucose highs and lows.

Having a diet containing generally low GI foods is one key for your long-term health. Foods with a GI of 55 and below are considered low GI foods. A diet predominantly consisting of low GI foods is beneficial, as your blood sugar levels are more easily controlled. It is important to have a diet consisting of moderate amounts of low GI carbohydrate foods regularly over the day to keep blood sugar levels consistent. Foods such as milk (reduced or low fat varieties), bread (wholegrain, fruit loaf & sourdough), grains, legumes, fruit and vegetables are the most beneficial to those wanting to have a diet consisting of low Gi foods. Low GI foods also make you feel fuller, faster, which can help you manage or lose weight.

As discussed in previous blogs, one of NutriKane D’s features is that it releases its nutrients slowly as the fibre is digested. This means that the important micronutrients reach the entire intestinal tract, unlike highly processed foods that only feed bacteria in the beginning of the gut. This is partly why NutriKane lowers the glycaemic index of foods, as well as improving nutritional outcomes. Unlike most fibre supplements, NutriKane D significantly lowers the GI of foods even if it is drunk separately and not incorporated with the meal. During our 6 years of research on NutriKane D, we conducted experiments on most types of foods and showed that the GI of every food we tested is lowered when eaten with a glass of NutriKane.

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Here are two example tests for consuming NutriKane with food. On the left chart NutriKane is added directly to fruit juice. The Controls (blue lines) are glucose (for measuring the GI result) and juice on its own. Yellow is juice plus a popular fibre supplement. Even with a double dose you can see that the GI is not significantly affected. Green on the other hand is Juice plus NutriKane a much better response. On the bottom chart we can see the effects of eating white toast (dark blue) and eating white toast with a glass of NutriKane (light blue).

By <a href="" target="_self">NutriKane Team</a>

By NutriKane Team

We are strong advocates for the healing power of nutrition. Through scientific research and development, it is our mission to create an effective range of targeted nutritional therapies to combat common conditions impacting human health. Learn more.

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